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Ten minutes of massage are enough for your body to feel immediately less stressed

A study conducted  by psychologists at the University of Konstanz found that only ten minutes of receiving a massage results in higher levels of psychological and physiological relaxation. You can read the full article here: Ten minutes of massage or rest will help your body fight stress

Researchers offered participants two different ten minute massages or gave them a ten minute resting period, and recorded their physiological relaxation by monitoring their heart rate variability and their psychological relaxation by asking them how relaxed or stressed they were feeling.

Every participant reported feeling less stressed after only ten minutes of resting or receiving a massage. In addition, they had an increase of heart rate variability, which is an indicator that the body’s principal engine for relaxation (PNS) was activated and there was a physiological relaxation. Researchers highlighted that this was much more noticeable when participants were given a massage instead of just resting.

The findings of this study suggest that massage is an intervention that can increase the body’s principal engine for relaxation (PNS), and result in a reduction of perceived mental stress.

Jens Pruessner, head of the Neuropsychology lab, comented: “Relaxation therapies show great promise as a holistic way to treat stress, but more systematic scientific appraisal of these methods is needed.”

If you are interested in booking a massage apointment, call Salus Wellness Clinics for free advice on what massage is more appropriate for your personal needs.


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