Anna Flack

Anna Flack is a highly skilled and compassionate yoga teacher offering personalized 1:1 sessions in SRY yoga, yoga nidrā, and Amnanda therapy. With a deep commitment to helping others find relaxation, balance and inner peace, Anna creates a nurturing and supportive environment for her clients to release tension, heal from past experiences, and connect with their true selves. She trained extensively in SRY and nidrā with renowned SRY founder Kaya Mindlin, and continues to deepen her knowledge through ongoing studies. Anna also completed training in the transformative Amnanda Process with Ann Heigham. In addition to private sessions, Anna teaches regular SRY yoga and yoga nidrā classes at the Cambridge Women’s Resources Centre.


SRY resembles restorative yoga styles but as its roots are in Vedic tradition – yoga’s own history – goes much deeper to release unhelpful, obstructive patterns stored at subtle levels.

SRY gently decompresses and nurtures the spine, opening up its hidden pathways, giving us access to more energy (prāṇa) and releasing tension across the whole body. It can help to regulate the fight/flight response and offers a healing, therapeutic approach for anyone:

  • who wants to experience the softer side of yoga
  • interested in yoga’s true purpose – that of surrendering, letting go and softening in order to reveal the truth of who we are
  • who needs to release long-held tension patterns or pain in their body and mind
  • experiencing burnout, stress, exhaustion or overwhelm who needs a slow, restful practice.


During a session you will feel nurtured, held and supported. We use props (blankets, a chair and blocks) to help your body settle into very specific angles which reach into places of tension.

We never push, pull or stretch muscles. Instead we lean into support and learn to let go of the gripping and straining which is so much a part of our lives. 


Yoga Nidrā is a guided awareness practice that can be incorporated into SRY sessions or practised on its own.

You choose to lie or sit in a comfortable, well-supported position as I guide you in turning inward. Beginning with a sankalpha – words which serve as seeds planted in your mind for positive change – your physical body rests while you move your awareness to different areas of the body, bringing about a profound state of relaxation by mimicking what happens in deep sleep.

The conscious sleep state allows you to reap many of the healing benefits of deep sleep without actually sleeping, including nervous system balancing and improved memory and clarity.


The Amnanda Process is an Ayurvedic treatment that anoints the whole body with healing herbal oils using a very light touch.

Over one full year you receive 12 treatments, and are supported throughout the journey by specially-formulated herbal teas and discussion of your feelings and experiences.

By the end of the year clients access a greater sense of harmony, clarity and contentment, and are typically able to let go of old patterns and make positive changes in their lives.

Amnanda can help if:

  • you are at a crossroads in life (eg new career, pregnancy, new relationship)
  • you feel past experiences are blocking your happiness and want to move on – to become more relaxed and happy
  • you want to support the natural ageing process and enjoy good health late into life.

Because of its intimate nature, I’m only offering Amnanda to women at this time.

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Yoga teacher
Price: £70 for a 90min Yoga Session, £70 for 75 min Amnanda session.
Tel: 07923 607181
Yoga,Amnanda teacher