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Mind your mind

By 17 June 2014Articles

SaimaDinRWhen was the last time you had your car serviced?   Annually, biannually, or did you leave it till it broke down? Occasionally we don’t even know there’s a problem, until it’s too late… but often, we hear the churning sounds, an unusual knocking or a flashing warning light, indicating all is not well.

For a car a trip to the garage for a service or just a drop of engine oil may be enough to makes the journey just a little more pleasant. We regularly maintain our cars, but what do YOU do when you’re not feeling at your best?

We know who to turn to with a broken bone or an back problem, but who do we turn to when the problems relate to life’s little ups and downs? Problems which are caused by examination stresses, finances, children, career, family quarrels, weight gain or just getting on with the daily life. We all have different situations to deal with and often our own wellness is at the bottom of the list.

As a parent, I put my children first, as a teacher, I put the class children first, as a daughter, I put elderly parents first. But then what about ME?   What about YOU? It’s all too easy to overlook our own spiritual needs, and often we leave it too late…but to what effect?

Our minds are affected by the impact of situations we experience. We need to train our minds to manage anxieties caused by these experiences to enable us to enjoy a happy, fulfilled life. How can we ensure the mind is able to cope with the impact of life’s challenges? Well we can’t replace parts of our mind, like a car …..Yet! But we can learn to replace lost energy, boost confidence, develop motivation and manage our state of mind, to help us live life positively and to the fullest.

A calm mindset has a significant impact on healing the body and soul. It’s the source of spirituality and peace which, in turn impacts on the health of the physical body. Stress on the body has many different side effects. You may have a spot break, hair loss, exacerbation of pre diagnosed illness, depression or worse still.

Just as we care for our cars and our loved ones, our mind and body are entitled to be cared for too. We all need the odd session of TLC or at least a regular MOT. Unfortunately not many of us recognise the significance of mind maintenance?

Regular meditation aligns the spirit, soul and body and is always a great place to start. Meditation yields a surprising number of health benefits, including stress reduction, improved attention, better memory, and even increased creativity and feelings of compassion. There is a growing body of scientific evidence telling us about meditation and how it can change the way our brains function. In today’s day and age, when we have so many distractions, meditation can seem like hard work. It takes a lot of practice to get better but the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

If you prefer to benefit from support and guidance of a professional, you can retrain the mind from negative to positive and from anxious to calm, through the mediums of Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming.   With the aid of a good practitioner, interventions sessions are created with the individual needs of the client. A good practitioner will incorporate into the session any areas of concern which arise from the intervention. Through the power of suggestion the client will naturally and effortlessly absorb positive suggestions which are ergonomic to their life choices.

Interventions which combine NLP and Hypnotherapy often provide solutions within 1-3 sessions, with ad-hoc sessions booked for top up, as and when required. Clients are taught techniques to support their transitions, which makes the intervention a transferable skill, applicable to other areas of their lives.

We are not cars, we are people who in turn have many people relying on us. If something is going wrong for our minds health, lights don’t flash on our dashboard. You need to be aware of how you care for your mind and care for yourself. Prevention is better than cure.

If you are interested to learn more about Hypnotherapy and NLP, visit my website for a short introduction

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